Farm Achalteke Tukleky
Sold Horses

(Gumon-Ainabat), *2010 Champion of El Prado exhibition, Uruguay

(Gunesh-Amga), *2006 Elite graded Dam of El Prado champion Aglaia and CBC Junior Champion Alcippe

(Germes-Ainabat), *2012

CBC Junior champion 2016 Reserve Junior champion - Babolna 2017 Winner of Junior Loose jumping in Babolna

(Darbek-Dijanitra), *2019 4,8 points in foal grading

(Ghadir-Davenda), *2013 4th placed in her category at European AT championship in Babolna

Darab ATT (Darbek-Jangi), *2017 Elite graded

(Gumon-Davenda), *2010 Elite graded Multiple winner and BC at 80km endurance competitions

(Samurai-Davenda), *2014

(Samurai-Davenda), *2007

(Darbek-Jangi), *2019 4,7 points in foal grading

(Mingam-Davenda), *2008 Elite graded

(Samurai-Davenda), *2012 Elite graded 2nd placed in her category at CBC championship

(Ekemen-Dogadka), *2003

(Anis-Formula), *2000 Dam of sires Gelshah and Saladdin

(Samurai-Fornaks), *2007

(Germes-Davenda), *2009 Champion of El Prado exhibition in Uruguay, participant of endurance competitions

(Gumon-Grust), *2010

(Gumon-Fornaks), *2008 Sire of Champion of partbreds Mahafrin (CBC championship)

(Gumon-Grusť), *2013 3rd placed in her category at CBC championship

(Samurai-Grust), *2015 Elite graded

(Gumon-Grust), *2008

(Gumon-Jangi), *2015

(Ghadir-Jana-Jan), *2017 Elite of 1.category

(Samurai - Jana-Jan), *2014

(Gumon - Jana-Jan), *2011 Elite graded

(Gelshah-Margire), *2013

(Gelshah - Osman-Guli), *2014 Elite graded

(Ornai-Medal), *2009

(Polotlize-Grust), *2007

(Piastr-Olimpia), *2004 Twice 3rd placed at Kazakhstan championship "Absent"

(Samurai-Grust), *2011 2nd placed in his category at European championship in Babolna, winner of Loose jumping competition at EC in Babolna

(Maksut 2-Sakata), *2001 Elite graded Sire of Absolute Champion of Europe Shergir, European Junior champion Jangi, etc.

(Samurai - Ainabat), *2013 Elite graded 3rd placed in his category at CBC championship

(Samurai - Jana-Jan), *2016 Elite graded Breeding sire, full brother to champions Shergir and Jangi
Horses bred/sold by us can be found in different countries, including Austria, Germany, France, Hungary, Italy, Switzerland, Great Britain, Croatia, Sweden, Dania, Spain, Poland, Belgium, Uruguay, Senegal and of course, Czech Republic.