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23.-25.6.2017 - European Akhal Teke Championship in Babolna, Hungary

Two horses prepared by us participated in this event - two years old Alcippe ATT (Samurai-Ainabat)  and four years old Shergir ATT (Samurai-Jangi).
Alcippe placed 2nd in her category of 2 years old fillies and won junior loose jumping competition, while Shergir won his category of 3-4 years old stallions, won the title of Champion of stallions and finished with the title of Absolute European Champion.
Complete results you can find bellow, link to video of Alciipe from loose jumping here -

15.-16.7.2016 - Corona Bohemiae Cup in Litohost, Czech Republic

CBC Cup was the first Akhal Teke championship organized in our republic. For this event we prepared six horses - Darbek (Dartai-Drama) of Mgr. Markus Hubmann, Djik-Djiki ATT (Samurai-Davenda) of Ulrike Strecha, Gemekala ATT (Gumon-Grust) of Mike Zobel and our horses Dijanitra ATT (Germes-Davenda), Alcippe ATT (Samurai-Ainabat) and Shabrang (Samurai-Ainabat), who replaced injuried Shergir.
Alcippe won her category and became Junior Champion, Darbek won category of 5 years and older stallions, won the title of Champion of stallions, gained the title of Selection Hope and became the Absolute Reserve Champion of the event. Except that he won Evaluation of movement competition under the saddle. Djik-Djiki placed 2nd in the category of 3-4 years old fillies, followed by 3rd placed Gemekala. Shabrang placed 3rd in the category of 3-4 years old colts and Dijanitra placed 2nd in the category of 5 years old and older mares and gained also the title of Selection Hope. Complete results bellow.

2015 - Grading Tour alias "Galloping Through Europe"

In summer 2015 Russian inspectors of AT breeding visited several countries in Europe and graded AT population there. More details including results are in the attached PDF file.

2012 - European Akhal Teke Distant championship

In 2012 in cooperation with other European Akhal Teke associations was organized European Distant Championship. Horses were evaluated by type, conformation and measurements.
Our stallion Ghadir (Gumon-Grust) won the class of 3-4 years old stallions and became the Absolute Champion of Europe. 2 years old filly Jangi (Samurai-Jana-Jan) became Junior champion among fillies. In the category of yearling fillies Jih ATT (Gumon-Jana-Jan) placed 2nd and Dijanitra (Germes-Davenda) 3rd. Saladdin got 3rd place among yearling colts and Gaspar (Gumon-Grust) of Linda Welsch placed 3rd in the category of 2 years old colts.
Complete results are in the attached PDF file.

4.-6.9.2009 - Exhibition "Horses in Action" in Pardubice, Czech Republic

Together with Damask of Mrs. Skopalova and collection of Alania Stud horses we participated with our representative Mingam in exhbition Horses in Action in Pardubice. Horses were shown under the saddle, in a exhibition race of eastern breeds and introduced in a in-hand presentation.

3.7. + 8.8.2009 - CEIJY* 120km in Pardubice and Kreuth

Partbred gelding Eman (Anis-Erakay) with his junior rider Petra Trojakova tried to overcome distance of 120km, firstly in Pardubice and later in Kreuth in Germany. Unfortunately in both starts he was stopped by metabolic problems. After detailed examination at Brno clinic it was found that the function of intestines is not 100%, probably as the consequence of bad care and lack of feed during his childhood. We made decision not to continue to train him.


13.6.2009 - Exhibition race "Prize of Boinou", Pardubice, Czech Republic

2nd year of Prize of Boinou was held on June 13th, at the Pardubice racetrack. This time the distance was 1600m and participated four horses. Same as the last year, on the 1st place finished our Mingam (Kortik-Mimoza) with jockey Ilona Hronova. 2nd came Damask (Aksum-Davenda) of Zdenka Skopalova, 3rd Polotlize (Pyakize-Gagara), this time representing Farma GG and 4th finished our Dubler (Ekemen-Dogadka). Big thanks deserves company Kraupner s.r.o., generous sponsor of Teke race.

27.-28.9.2008- European Akhal Teke Championship in Gut Ising, Germany

Beautiful venue of Mr. and Mrs. Magalow hosted European AT Championship for the 2nd time. In 2005 we were only visitors, this time we brought our two years old filly Jana-Jan, daughter of Mingam and Davenda. For Jana-Jan this was the first event to participate, but she behaved perfectly. As the bonus, she won her category of 1-2 years old fillies.
Complete results attached below.

6.9.2008 - CEIJY* 80km in Warka, Poland

Partbred gelding Eman (Anis-Erakay) participated in endurance competition CEIJY* 80km in Warka in Poland with his rider Petra Trojakova and finished on the 1st place.

5.-7.9.2008 - Exhibition "Horses in Action", Pardubice, Czech Republic

This time two Teke stallions participated in this event to promote the breed - our old guy Germes and Damask of Mrs. Skopalova. We showed horses under the saddle in the costume demonstration and Germes won the Race of Eastern breeds with Katerina Hajkova in the saddle.

14.6.2008 - Akhal Teke Race "Prize of Boinou", Pardubice, Czech Republic

First year of exhibition AT race Prize of Boinou was organised on distance 1200m. On the first three places finished our horses: 1. Mingam (Kortik-Mimoza)  2. old veteran Germes (Munir-Granka)  3. Polotlize (Pyakize-Gagara)

26.4.2008 - Endurance competition in Rakvice, Czech Republic

Partbred gelding Eman and his rider Petra Trojakova participated in endurance competition of L-level (57km) and finished on 7th place.

7.-9.9.2007 - Exhibition "Horses in Action", Pardubice, Czech Republic

Four Tekes represented its breed - Alsanta of Edita Slukova, Damask of Zdenka Skopalova and our guys, Mingam and Polotlize. As usually horses were represented under the saddle, Alsanta in a demonstration of ground work, all horses together in a in-hand presentation of breed in a paddock. And traditionally Tekes also participated in a Race of Eastern Breeds - we fought with Arabians, Anglo-karachaevs and Kabardiners. Mingam finished 1st, Polotlize after the colision with karachaev Azimut on the start, on the third place.

29.6.2007 - Endurance competition in Chrebrany, Czech Republic

Partbred gelding Eman with rider Petra Trojakova participated in endurance competition of A-level (36km) and finished on 3rd place.

15.-17.9.2006 - Exhibition "Horse 2006" in Lysa nad Labem, Czech Republic

Akhal Teke horses were represented by purebreds Mingam and Sirena (owner Viktor Barsa), partbreds by Eseira of Johana Moutelikova and Dul-Dul of Dalida Akhal-Teke Czech.

8.-10.9.2006 - Exhibition "Horses in Action" in Pardubice, Czech Republic

Mingam together with 3 mares, Sirena (owner Viktor Barsa), Alsanta (owner Edita Slukova) and Algrassa (owner Hanka Turinkova) represented the breed at the exhibition in Pardubice.

2.-4.9.2005 - Exhibition "Horses in Action" in Pardubice, Czech Republic

This time the group of Tekes was quite big - totally 7 horses. 4 horses were presented by Mr. Hofman (Penelope, Durana, Chiva Tarki, Al-Kaira) 2 horses by our farm (Polotlize, Samurai) and one by Zdenka Skopalova (Meksika). Because of 70th anniversary of Askhabad-Moscow ride, memorial trail to the center of Pardubice city was organized. Except that horses were shown in-hand in a breed presentation, under the saddle and in a Race of Eastern breeds (won by our Polotlize).

15.-17.4.2005 - Exhibition "Horses and everything connected with them", Prague, Czech Republic

Mingam was the only representative of his breed at the exhibition in Prague. He was showed under the saddle and in-hand.

3.-5.9.2004 - Exhibition "Horses in Action" in Pardubice, Czech Republic

Mingam and Dorkeik of Mrs. Skopalova represented Akhal Teke breed in a costume presentation under the saddle.

23.-25.4.2004 - Exhibition "Horses and everything connected with them", Prague Czech Republic

This was the first event to participate in, with our "freshly" (only two months before) imported boy Mingam. He was great, enjoyed a lot the attention of the public.

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