


Farm Achalteke Tukleky
Dastan ATT
Světlý zlatý plavák, * 8.4.2017, chovatel Farma Achalteke Tukleky, ČR
Linie El-Sovkhoz 2, rodina Ovgan
Tělesné míry: KVH 156cm - OH 174cm - Ohol. 18,5 (10/2019)
Hodnocení: typ 8,0 x míry 9,0 x exteriér 9,0 (Elita 1.kaegorie, 11/2019)

Dastan se narodil na začátku dubna 2017 - byl prvním potomkem Pomony narozeným na naší farmě a jeho narození bylo doprovázeno velkým očekáváním - Pomona totiž při předchozích porodech nespustila mléko. Občas se ale zázraky i dějí a nám i Dastanovi bylo přáno - mléko se objevilo :-).
Dastan je hřebec výrazného typu, atraktivní barvy, ale co je důležitější, disponuje kvalitními chody, velkou silou, spídem a zároveň i korektním exteriérem. Má dlouhou šikmou lopatku, silnou horní linii včetně beder, dlouhou a silnou záď. Pevně doufáme, že tyto kvality bude předávat i svým potomkům.
Zatím není žádné potomstvo
Dil ATT (out of Omeliya, Fakirpelvan line)
Darejan ATT (out of Dijanitra ATT, Ak Sakal line)













O rodokmenu
Dastan přísluší k linii Sovchoz 2 a na jejího zakladatele Sovkhoze 2 je prostřednictvím jeho syna 1095 Polota prochován IV x V, resp. III x IV. Zároveň je prochován ve stupni IV x V na úspěšného dostihového koně 1083 Omar, syna držitele rekordu na 1800m 910 Opala.
Dastanův otec Darbek se narodil v roce 2009 v chovu K.Zakarieva v Dagestánu. V majetku G.Isaeva absolvoval úspěšnou dostihovou kariéru oceněnou 7 body (z 10). Dvakrát zvítězil (vč. "Otevřené ceny"), třikrát doběhl druhý (vč. "Ceny Gundogara", tzv. "Malého Derby" a "Ceny uzavření dostihové sezóny"), dvakrát finošoval třetí (vč. "Ceny Mazana"). Na sklonku roku 2015 byl zakoupen Mag. Markusem Hubmannem a importován do ČR. V roce 2016 získal na mezinárodním šampionátu Corona Bohemiae Cup titul Šampióna hřebců, zároveň s titulem Chovatelská naděje. Na stejné akci zvítězil v jezdecké soutěži "Hodnocení pohybu".
Darbekův otec 1478 Dartai se narodil v roce 2003 v hřebčíně Dagestanskij. Jako 2-3letý startoval na dráze, z 10 startů získal 6 umístění, včetně vítězství v "Ceně Absenta", 2.místa v "Ceně Buďoného" a 3.místa v "Ceně Kazachstánu". Za výkonnost byl ohodnocen 7,5 body. V roce 2006 se stal Šampiónem plemene na Šampionátu Ruska v Pjatigorsku. Dartaiovo potomstvo si vede velmi slušně na dostihové dráze, zmiňme hřebce Demir-Tau, Darbazan, Kyurdamir a Darbek.
Darbekova matka 3478 Drama, drobná hnědka, se narodila v roce 2001v hřebčíně Akhalt-Service, jako chovná klisna pak působila v Dagestánu. Je matkou 4 registrovaných hříbat. Později byla odprodána soukromému majiteli, který její hříbata neregistruje.
Dastanova matka Pomona se narodila v roce 2004 v kazašském hřebčíně Altyn-Sutek. Jako 2 a 3letá se zúčastnila Šampionátu Kazachstánu "Absent", kdy se pokaždé umístila na třetím místě. Krátký čas pak strávila v hřebčíně Gurtbil, odkud byla importována do ČR. Je matkou tří hříbat, 2015 narozené Primy Stamu (Stambul) a pravých sourozenců 2017 Dastana a 2018 Pata-Djan.
Otec Pomony, Piastr, se narodil v roce 1998 v hřebčíně Stavropol v Rusku. Jako 2-4letý zářil na dostihové dráze, zejména na krátkých a středních distancích, nicméně jeho třída mu vynesla i třetí místo v Derby. Jeho kariéra zahrnuje 7 vítězství, 5 druhých míst a tři místa třetí v celkem 16 startech. Za výkonnost byl ohodnocen 9,5 body (z 10), stejné hodnocení si vysloužil i za kvalitu potomstva, z nich mnozí dosahují vynikajících výsledků na dostihové dráze, někteří i na chovatelských šampionátech. V roce 2002 Piast získal titul Rezervního šampióna Ruska.
Matka Pomony, Olimpia, se narodila v roce 1997 v TOO Ptičij Rynok (později Akhalt-Service). V roce 2002 získala titul Světové rezervní šampiónky a následovala tak úspěchu své mladší sestry, která se o rok dříve stala Světovou šampiónkou. Další pravá sestra, Omega, získala v roce 2003 titul Juniorské světové šampiónky. Olimpia, žel, uhynula brzy a zanechala pouhá dvě hříbata - kromě Pomony ještě plemenného hřebce 1611 Opium.
Dastan přísluší k rodině založené turkmenskou klisnu 1310 Ovgan (458 Lachin-929 Silfa). Tato rodina je pověstná výkonnostním potenciálem a patří k ní řada koní úspěšných na dráze, ve sportu i na šampionátech. Ovgan sama je matkou držitele rychlostního rekordu na 1800m tmavého ryzáka 910 Opal. Další klisna z této rodiny, 1631 Oktava, je matkou na dráze úspěšných Omara a Orlana (oba získali renomé i jako vynikající plemeníci), dále 2875 Oliva - matka v USA ve všestrannosti vystupujícího Sengara, 2879 Oprava - matka Derby vítěze Ormuzda a také Světového šampióna Garajusupa, 2871 Oinam 20 - matka dvojnásobného vítěze Ceny Turkmenistánu Gumona, 2020 Olvia - matka vítěze skákání ve volnosti na šampionátu v Solmsu a také Světového virtuálního šampióna Ovoie, či Osanka - matka dvojnásobného Derby vítěze Oberega a Ruské juniorské šampiónky Osnovy, atd.





1310 Ovgan family
Bay mare 1310 Ovgan was born in 1952 in Turkmenistan by Ag Ishan´s grandson 458 Lachin (352 Daikhan-Kara Baital), out of Mele Kush´s granddaughter 929 Silfa (629 Fakir Sulu-374 Seliau). Ovgan was brought by V. P. Shamborant together with other group of mares to Tersk stud in 1960.
Ovgan is dam of race record holder at the distance of 1800m 910 Opal (828 Fakirpelvan) and 5 daughters, including 1627 Ovadan (682 Almaz), 1633 Orkhideya (915 Posman), 1628 Oda (682 Almaz), 1632 Oldja (828 Fakirpelvan) and 2873 Olesia (915 Posman).
1627 Ovadan (682 Almaz), dark bay, was born in 1963 in Tersk. She races as 2-3 years old in Piatigorsk in Askhabad, out of 20 starts she placed 4x1., 3x2. and 4x3. Ovadan is the dam of 1631 Oktava (932 Khorgos 2), 2875 Oliva (858 Ametist) and 2020 Olvia (883 Kaltaman).
* 1631 Oktava, buckskin, was born in 1972 in Dagestan and started her succesful breeding career in 1976. Oktava is dam of such legends like 1248 Orlan (943 Arslan) or 1083 Omar (910 Opal). Also third son of her, 1301 Yakor (1017 Yanichar) suceeded in breeding. Oktava is dam of three broodmares - 2408 Osanna 10 (910 Opal), 2869 Oglai (1039 Galkan) and 2407 Orkhideya (1017 Yanichar).
** 2408 Osanna, dark bay, was born in 1983 in Dagestan, by race record holder at the distance of 1800m Opal, so
she was inbred III x II to family founder Ovgan. She is dam of two breeding stallions - 1249 Osman (985 Dagestan),
who left very good daughters at Dubna studfarm (some of them were later brought by T. Pontecorvo to U.S.) and who
was sold then to Sweden to Karakum studfarm and 1139 Askerkhan (1029 Anchar), who produced in Dagestan.
Regarding daughters, Osanna foaled three - 2874 Olesia (985 Dagestan), 3784 Operetka (1095 Polot), who was sold
to Hungary and 2906 Pona (1095 Polot), dam of broodmares 3837 Perishah (1602 Namys) and 3549 Karagul (1201 Kavkaz), dam of World champion Kodar (1611 Opium) and broodmares 3551 Karakalpakia (1533 Kepderi) and
3594 Kosmeia (1611 Opium).
** 2869 Oglai, bay, was born in 1994 at the studfarm Stavropol. She foaled 4 daughters at her home studfarm, all of
them were sold (3760 Ovganli-Kazakhstan, 3371 Gulle-Austria, 3782 Omela and 3772 Olgyz to private breeders in
Russia). Oglai herself was sold to Tekinskii Legion studfarm in 2003.
** 2407 Orkhideya, bay, was born in 1986 at the stufdarm Stavropol and out of Oktava´s daughter she was the one to
to left the deepest footprint in Akhal Teke breeding. Orkhideya is the dam of two breeding stallions, 1616 Oront
(939 Adat) and 1440 Gecheli (1039 Galkan), none of them were used widely, and three broodmares - 2881 Otvaga
(946 Gomon), 2879 Oprava (967 Pudok) and 3846 Pikirli (1095 Polot).
*** 2881 Otvaga, palomino, was born in 1990 at the studfarm Stavropol. She races as a 2 y.o., out of two starts she
placed once 4th in Probnyi Prize. She was sold in 1995 to Mr. Gi Khuri in Latvia. She is dam of three full
siblings by 1030 Arab, mares Gozekli and Sakhrayat and breeding stallion 1613 Orakul, 3rd placed in junior
class at the World championship in 2001. Orakul was sold to Switzerland, but died soon, with only two foals left.
*** 2879 Oprava, black, was born in 1991 at the studfarm Stavropol. She raced only once as a 2 y.o. without being
placed and started her breeding career in 1994. She is dam of 4 daughters, 2870 Ogledje (1186 Djeikhun), 3790
Otaga (1065 Keledjar), 3779 Olkha (1106 Khutor) and Otrada (1636 Pekhimdar) and also dam of Derby winner
Ormuzd (1056 Dasht) and breeding stallions 1419 Garayusup (1231 Mangyt), Junior World champion 2002,
Reserve World champion and Champion of Russia 2005, winner of Prize of Gundogar, 3rd placed in Prize of
Absent, Probnyi and Prize of Zakrytia, 1524 Karaoglan (1525 Karar), Reserve Champion of Russia 2011 and
1608 Oglan (1106 Khutor), 5th placed at the championship of Russia in junior category, 2nd placed in Prize of
Otkrytia and Probnyi, 3rd placed in Prize of Boinou and Summer Prize.
**** 2870 Ogledje, black, was born in 1995 at the studfarm Stavropol. She didn´t race and as a 3 y.o. she started
her succesful career of broodmare. She is dam of 7 broodmares and two breeding stallions - 1612 Orazpolot (1099 Serasker), winner of Sprinterskii Prize, 2nd placed in Summer Prize, 3rd placed in Derby, Prize of Schamborant, Kriterium and Prize of Piatigorsk, 4th placed at Russian championship, same as Championship of Kazakhstan. Oraz Polot was sold to Dacor studfarm in Kazakhstan. The second son, Orazserdar ( 1597 Murgab), races as 2-3 y.o., out of 6 starts he placed 3x2. (including Prize of EverdyTeleke) and 2x3. (including Big Prize of 2 y.o.). Orazserdar was used one season at his home studfarm and then was sold to China.
***** 3584 Kichitorgai (939 Adat), first daughter of Ogledje, was born in 1999 at the studfarm Stavropol.
Her racing career was excellent and includes victories in Oaks, Prize of Gul and Pel, 3rd place in Probnyi
Prize, Prize of Zakrytia and Prize of Mazan. She was sold in 2005 to Estonia, she is dam of two licensed
stallions (Kemput, Kemsiz) and broodmare 3767 Ozaria (all of them by 1219 Kuvvatly).
***** 3773 Oldja (1056 Dasht) was born in 2001 at the studfarm Stavropol. She raced once as a 2 y.o.
without place, she is dam of one foal.
***** 3787 Osada (1056 Dasht) was born in 2002. She raced as a 2-3 y.o., out of 11 starts she won 5
times (including Prize of Pel and Karali), 1x2. (including Prize of Akhalteke Breeding Holiday) and 1x3.
Her first daughter, 3764 Odaliska (1630 Paradoks), was sold to Sirotenko Studfarm, she is dam of 7 foals
at the moment. In 2009 was Osada sold to Uzbekistan.
***** 3769 Oinavach (1039 Galkan) was born in 2003 at the studfarm Stavropol. She raced as a 2-3 y.o.,
in 9 starts she placed 1x1., 3x2. (including Prize of Gul and Parize), 4th finished in Oaks, Prize of Pel and
Firiuza. She placed 5th at the Russian championship in a junior category in 2005, same place she acquired
one year later. First two daughters, Orsiet and Ogranka, found their home at the studfarm Uzbegim, while
Oressa at the studfarm Dacor in Kazakhstan. Oinavach herself was sold to V.I. Sirotenko stufarm in 2020,
in foal to Melebaidak - in 2021 was born perlino colt Oman, who became Russian Junior champion in 2023.
***** Osanka (1597 Murgab) was born 2010 at the studfarm Stavropol. She is dam of three foals, including
extraordinary crack Obereg (1638 Piastr), winner of 14 races out of 15 starts, including double Derby
victory (Piatigorsk and Krasnodar), double victory in Big Prize of 2 y.o., Summer Prize, Big Summer Prize,
Prize of Absent, Prize of Elita, Prize of Yulduz, Prize of VNIIK, etc. His full sister, one year younger
Osnova, acquired the title of Junior Russian champion and raced succesfuly, especially in her 2 y.o. season,
when she finished 3x1. (including Prize of Pazilla, Prize of Oktava, Prize of Cherkezova) and 1x2. (Prize of
***** Ovgankala (1638 Piastr) was born in 2013, at the moment she has five foals on the ground, including
2023 Derby winner Orkhon (Dorsakar).
***** Oliva (1638 Piastr) was born in 2015 and was sold to Uzbegimstudfarm.
***** Ogulgerek (1435 Gench) was born in 2016. She placed 2nd in Oaks and won Prize of Pariza.
*** 3846 Pikirli, dark bay, was born in 1998 at the studfarm Stavropol. She raced as a 2-3 y.o., the best result, out of 8
starts, was 2nd place. In 2000 she acquired the title of Junior champion of Russia. Pikirli has currently 11 foals on the
ground, including broodmares 3856 Polnoch (1525 Karar), 3806 Palba (1435 Gench), Patricia (Orazserdar) and
Pamiatka (1574 Melebirgut), to China was sold her super typey son Nurberdykhan (1597 Murgab). Last addition to
her Elite offspring is Russian Junior Champion 2023, chestnut filly Patoka (Gazomet).
**** 3856 Polnoch, chestnut, was bred by Stavropol studfarm in 2003 and sold to Naib Idris Studfarm. She raced as
2 y.o. three times without being placed, in 2005 she won the title of Russian Junior championship, which she
confirmed one year later, when she acquired the title of Russian Champion. She is dam of 4 foals, including three
champions - Gapur-Naib (1419 Garayusup) and two full siblings by 1435 Gench, Gepard-Dag and Paloma-Dag.
**** 3806 Palba, light bay, was born in 2009 at the studfarm Stavropol. In 2011 she won the title of World Junior
champion and was sold to Saks studfarm in Kazakhstan. Palba has 4 foals on the ground at the moment, including
the Best two years old horse of Kazakhstan Persika (1339 Almaz) and breeding stallion Taypaly-Saks (Tokhtamysh),
sire of extraordinary black mare Pinar-Saks (out of Povilika), Russian champion 2023.
*** 3762 Ogshash, bay, was born in 2003 at the studfarm Stavropol. She passed one start in a race as a 2 y.o. and finished
third. In 2006 she was sold to Ukraine.
* 2875 Oliva, bay, was born in 1974 in Dagestan. She passed racing career, raced as 2-3 y.o. 17 times (1x1x, 2x2., 2x3.) and
later was sold to USA to Mr. Phil Case. Oliva is the dam of six full siblings by 1276 Senetir, including succesful eventers
Senova and 1275 Sengar, who was longlisted for Olympic Games in Atlanta.
* 2020 Olvia, buckskin, was born in 1980 in Dagestan. She raced as a 2-3 y.o. in Krasnodar and finished 4x3. in 7 starts.
She got Diploma of IIl degree at the breeding championship in Krasnodar in 1983. Her breeding career started in Dagestan,
first filly, 2876 Olimpia (984 Dagdan) was sold later to Italy. Another daughter, 2872 Oka (943 Arslan) bred by Stavropol
stud farm, won Big Prize of 2 years old, third finished in Prize of Pel and Karali and was sold to Turkmenistan to Akhal
Yurt. She became succesful endurance horse here. Third daugher of Olvia, 3860 Posadel (1270 Posalak) was bred by stud
farm Veles and later was sold to private Russian breeders. Olvia is dam of three breeding stallions - 1246 Ogan (1037
Gaidamak) was sold to Azerbaidzan, 1607 Ovoi (1248 Orlan) to Germany, where he won Loose jumping competitin held
in Solms (Akhalteke Sport champioship) and became also World virtual champion. Third breeding stallion, 1615 Ornai
(1143 Ashug) won Derby, few years produced in Italy and then was sold to France.
1633 Orkhideya (915 Posman), grey, was born in 1965 in Tersk and passed very succesful racing career. She raced as a 2-4 y.o.
in Baku and Askhabad, in 20 starts she finished 15x1. (including Prize of Otkrytia, Prize of river Neva, Prize of Budyonny, Prize
of river Kuban, Prize of river Volga, Autumn Prize, Prize of Zakrytia etc.), 3x2. (including Prize of Kalinin, Elite Prize,
Vstupitelnyi), 4th finished in Derby. Unfortunately her breeding career was not so succesful, she foaled only one partbred filly.
1628 Oda (682 Almaz), dark bay, was born in 1966 in Tersk. She races as a 2-5 years old in Ashkhabad, out of 38 starts she finished 8x1., 12x2. and 7x3., including 2nd place in Prize of river Kuban and 3rd place in Prize of river Neva. Oda started her breeding career in 1972 in Turkmenistan and became mother of one broodmare and two breeding stallions, none of them were used widely.
1632 Oldja (828 Fakirpelvan), dark chestnut, was born in 1967 in Tersk. As a 2-3 years old she participated in races, out of 9 starts
she finished 3x2. and 1x3. (in Prize of river Kura). She was hard to get in foal first years of her breeding career, in 1975 she
suceeded to foal bay mare Odetta. In 1977 Oldja was sold to Germany, where was born another daughter in 1980, 2403 Ovai (1110 Yunus.
* 2018 Odetta 45 (858 Ametist), bay, was born in 1975 in Dagestan. She didn´t race, first foal out of her was born in 1983 -
chestnut mare 2405 Oda (870 Garem 11), later to become the dam of 2871 Oinam 20 (985 Dagestan), mother of excellent stayer, double winner of Prize of Turkmenistan 1462 Gumon (1053 Gumdag). Oinam is also dam of broodmares 2877
Olona, 3774 Olzana 13, 3791 Ochlo and 3765 Odessa. But back to 2018 Odetta 45 - her second (and last) daughter,
2406 Odessa (984 Dagdan), grey, was born in 1985 at the studfarm Stavropol. Odessa races 8 times as a 2-3 y.o., once
finished 1st, twice 2nd and twice 3rd, in 1988 she acquired Diploma of III. degree at the breeding championship in Tbilisi.
Unfortunately she died soon, in 1990, with the only foal left - grey mare 2878 Opera (969 Rokot), born 1990 in Stavropol
and sold to TOO Ptichii Rinok (later Akhalt-Service studfarm), where she became the dam of remarkable offspring -
World champion 3773 Omelia (1228 Maksut 2) and her full sisters 3788 Olimpia, World Reserve champion and 3781 Omega, Junior World champion.
* 2403 Ovai (1110 Yunus) was born in 1980 in Germany and was member of broodmares herd of S. Toepfer-Gebert. She is dam
of 6 foals, including two daughters 2868 Ovgana (1075 Melgun) and 3792 Oschia (1061 Kaishli).
2873 Olesia (915 Posman), grey, was born in 1970 in Tersk and was the last foal of 1310 Ovgan. She raced as a 2 y.o., out of 9 starts she finished 4x.2. and 2x3. She was sold then to Germany, she is dam of the only registered foal, extra typey 1247
Olafkhan (932 Khorgos 2), who was used as a sire by H. Hutmacher in Switzerland.





